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Start Up Package offers both Business & individual profile pages. You can create any 1 profile page that helps you present your brand or identity.

While Premium package also Offers both types of profile pages, you can create 2 profile pages. Additionally, there are features like Marketing booster, which helps you boost & promote your profile & Green Leaf badge

In case you have a requirement of more than 2 profile pages, with any other custom requirement, please contact our sales team for a Custom Package.

Our product generates a dynamic QR code for each profile page. The profile page can be edited any number of times while the QR code remains the same. There is no change in QR code.

All sales are final and no refund of amount.

You can add upto 5 images in image gallery

When any potential contact expresses interest in your profile, you will get an intimation on email and whatsApp.

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